CM’s New Year message to Telangana people

Cm Revanth Reddy Held A Review Meeting With Officials 01

Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri A. Revanth Reddy’s New Year message to Telangana people.

New Year Greetings to all Telangana people. ‘Praja Palana’ (People’s Government) has been instated with the support of all sections of people in the state. We removed Iron grills, barricades and liberated from all restrictions and introduced people’s participation in the governance. The government fulfilled the promise of revival of democracy and freedom for all citizens. Two guarantees out of the six guarantees have already been implemented. My government is ready to implement the four other guarantees in the New Year. My Government aspired to extend welfare benefit to all the deserved and promote Telangana as number one state in development in the country.

Government accorded to priority to youth empowerment and preparing action plan to provide them bright future through modern technology. The government is ready to overhaul the entire education system from primary level to higher education. We are committed to fulfill the assurances given to the farmers.

Government resolved to consider the New Year as the year of “Women, Farmer and Youth”. We determined to revamp the stalled government administration. All the systems will be reconstructed in tune with ‘Praja Palana’. Praja Vani has been launched to address the grievances of people at Praja Bhavan. Efforts are on to introduce humane approach in the Executive system in the state administration.

Steps are being taken to revive the precarious state economy which was completely ruined by the previous government. Facts are already put before people by releasing “White Papers” on State Finance and Power sectors. A White Paper on corruption in Irrigation sector will also be released soon. The government already initiated steps towards taking action against those involved in corruption in the previous government and recover the looted public money from them.

Lakhs of people are waiting for Pensions, Ration Cards and House Sites. Their dreams will be fulfilled soon. Every deserved eligible citizen will get the welfare benefit. People should not get carried away by false campaign and propaganda unleashed by some envious unscrupulous elements after losing the power in the state. Unlike the previous dispensation, this government opened doors for 24 hours for people to extend every assistance.

The Government is also committed to the welfare of the families of Telangana Martyrs and the activists in the Telangana movement. The state is compiling the data of the cases registered against Telangana activists and free all of them from cases. Rs 5 lakh insurance has already been introduced for the welfare of Auto workers and job seekers in the unorganised sector. Government is also committed to the welfare of Journalists and address their issues at the earliest.

Reflecting the spirit of noted Writer and Poet Dasaradhi’s famous quote – “Naa Telangana Koti Ratanala Veena”, the government will reflect the voice of people’s welfare and aspired to move the state to many heights in the development . I am again wishing every citizen’s aspirations are fulfilled, flourish every house with prosperity and bring more joy and cheerful in everyone’s life in the state in the new year.


Revanth Anna.